A future Miss America? | July 1965



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By Jakon Hays

Jul 21, 2019

More than 200 guests and supporters gathered at Norfolk’s Lafayette Yacht Club in late July 1965 for a Sunday afternoon reception for Jean Marilyn Inge, the newly crowned Miss Virginia.

More than 200 guests and supporters gathered at Norfolk’s Lafayette Yacht Club in late July 1965 for a Sunday afternoon reception for Jean Marilyn Inge, the newly crowned Miss Virginia. Inge, 22, served as Miss Norfolk before claiming the statewide title earlier in the month at the Virginia pageant in Roanoke. She attended Norfolk schools, graduating from Maury High, and went on to study political science at Virginia’s Sweet Briar College. Speaking at the reception, Inge expressed her gratitude to Norfolk’s citizenry for its continued support. Among the guests were then-Lt. Gov. Mills Godwin and his wife, Katherine. Both came to welcome Inge home and wish her well in her try for Miss America at the national pageant that September.



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