Beauty queens are not just girls with fine faces— 43rd Miss Nigeria, Beauty Tukura


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I was born in Port Harcourt, but my family moved to Lagos when I was two years old. I come from a family of six and I am the last child. We are Christians.


I had my elementary and junior secondary education in Lagos. For my senior secondary education, I went to the American University of Nigeria Academy, in Yola (Adamawa State). I proceeded to study Law at the Afe Babalola University, Ado- Ekiti (Ekiti State). I have lived in the western and northern parts of the country because my father was a customs officer; so we often had to move. When I was four years old, I watched the Miss Nigeria pageant on TV and told my parents that I was going to be Miss Nigeria someday. So, you can say I had a dream but one never knows what the future holds. I thank God that the dream came true.


I won my first pageant when I was in elementary school. I have also contested in two major pageants–Most Beautiful Girl Taraba 2015 which I won and reigned until 2017, and now I’m the 43rd Miss Nigeria.

43rd Miss Nigeria

Being the 43rd Miss Nigeria for me is a huge responsibility. There are a lot of youngsters looking up to me. The platform gives me an opportunity to promote my passion, one of which is advocacy for the girl child on all matters. And, to represent my country on all fronts and showcase her rich culture through my appearance and activities gladdens my heart.

One challenging aspect of competing in a beauty pageant is having to convince one’s family about its merits.


The platform has given me the opportunity to advocate and do a lot of community projects and those are things I have always wanted to do. I studied Law so I could protect the girl child with the Law and being Miss Nigeria gives me the platform to lend my voice to social issues affecting the girl child and her inclusiveness in the society.


I still intend to practise Law.


Before I became a beauty queen, I have always tried to live my best life– in school, my business and social activities. For me, it’s a lifestyle. I must add that I’m also thankful to the Miss Nigeria Organisation for enrolling me in a finishing school to further educate me on proper etiquette befitting a queen.


I totally disagree with the opinion that beauty queens are just beautiful and not intellectually sound. Being a beauty queen goes beyond one’s physical appearance. For Miss Nigeria, the motto is ‘empowering women beyond beauty’. Beauty is one of the characteristics required but it’s more of being an intellectually sound person. How does one handle interviews if one isn’t sound? To be a beauty queen, one has to be a beauty with a purpose.


One major challenge that beauty queens in Nigeria face is the stereotype that they had to use a connection, paid or slept with someone to win. That’s not true and it is very wrong because a lot of hard work goes into being a beauty queen. One has to prepare physically and mentally. Just like every other thing in life, there is a process to being a queen. One doesn’t just get it on a platter.


Before and during the pageant, I maintained a good diet and tried to exercise as much as possible. A good skin care regimen is also a must.


Beauty queens are not well recognised in Nigeria. A lot of people don’t understand their position and importance in society. Pageantries promote unity. Girls from different parts of the country come together to live in the same environment, interact and learn. A beauty queen is a peace and goodwill ambassador, and a role model, especially to young girls. So yes, beauty queens are not just girls with fine faces.


The Green Girl project has many areas under it, including education and empowerment, health, environmental sustainability and other areas. Being the current Miss Nigeria, I would be carrying out a lot of projects and activities in those areas and partnering with a lot of NGOs and companies.


After my reign, I intend to continue my education. I haven’t got a Master and I still have to observe NYSC.

Memorable moment

My most memorable moment was when I was announced the 43rd Miss Nigeria. Oh, it was a lot of emotions. I realised a lot had changed for me.


One of my fears during the pageantry was having to compete with so many beautiful and intelligent young girls from different states in Nigeria. The camp was challenging, I must say.


A reigning queen is expected to be humble, not proud.


To every young person out there like myself, it’s okay to have dreams and it’s fine if you don’t see the manifestation immediately or as soon as you expect. While you wait for the manifestation of your dreams, equip yourself and get ready. One way to do that is by being educated. Go to school, learn and make sure that every life decision you make is calculated towards helping you achieve your dreams.


I try to eat a well-balanced diet, work out and drink lots of water.


I like to read, cook and travel.


Yes, I’m a feminist.


I am fashionable. Everyone has their own idea of fashion. One thing I maintain though is decency. My favourite fashion items are shoes.


I am a ‘foodie’. Anyone who eats healthy is a foodie. One should just endeavour to eat the proper amount of food.


It’s normal for people to be attracted to me; I don’t see it as pressure. For now, I’m focused on leaving a good legacy, not on being in a relationship. I’m sure that may happen after.


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