Court orders sale of former Miss Ghana Winner’s car


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Wednesday, 22 August 2018

An Accra Commercial Court has ordered for the auction of a 4×4 cross-country vehicle belonging to Hon. Benita Sena Golomeke, a former National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (MP) Ledzokuku constituency to defray a debt she owes.

An advertisement in Monday’s edition of the state-owned Ghanaian Times Newspaper, indicates that she will no longer be the owner of her Nissan Patrol vehicle with registration number GR 8081-14.

Although information about the auction is scanty, this website can report that it is expected to take place on 30-08-2018 at The Mart Asylum. The auctioneer has been ordered to accept only cash per what has been put out in the advertisement.

Benita Sena Golomeke was the winner of Miss Ghana beauty pageant in the 1997 edition.


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