First Ever Winner Miss Nigeria Pageant, Grace Oyelude Clocks 90


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By Shade Metibogun - November 18, 2021

November 18, (THEWILL) – Winner of the debut edition of Miss Nigeria beauty pageant, Grace Atinuke Oyelude is 90 years old. The former beauty queen who won the pageant in 1957 clocked 90 years on November 16, 2021. Still looking beautiful and aging gracefully, the former pageant title holder is indeed an epitome of beauty. The organisers of the foremost pageant, Miss Nigeria serenaded the beautiful woman a day after her birthday.

They made a post to celebrate her while wishing her a fabulous celebration.

Born in Kano State to the family of James Adeleye Olude and Marthan Dantu of Isanu, Kogi State. She was raised in Northern Nigeria. Grace Oyelude contested with over 200 other Nigerian ladies and emerged the winner in 1957. She carted home 200 pounds prize money and a return ticket to London for two weeks.

Grace was working with the United Africa Company, UAC when she represented the Northern region for the beauty pageant. Her brother was a broadcaster in Lagos state Hospital, London where she qualified as a state registered midwife in 1962. In 1976, she obtained another Diploma from Ghana Institute of Management and Personnel Administration.


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