Former Miss U plans to join PH showbiz


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JANUARY 28, 2019

Is she following the footsteps of Dayanara Torres? That’s what it looks like for Miss Universe 2013 Gabriela Isler who is currently in the Philippines and staying for a month to explore career possibilities here.

The Venezuelan beauty reached out to Arnold Vegafria’s ALV Talent Circuit to help her out on her visit, and at a meet-and-greet said, “Actually the Philippines is always on my mind. Even during my tenure as Miss Universe, I realized how the Philippines has the biggest fanbase, pageant-wise. They love their queens. They are also very respectful. I received a lot of love from them during my year as Miss Universe, as well as after.”

Fresh from winning the title in Moscow, Russia in December of 2013, Gabriela rushed to the aid of Typhoon Yolanda’s victims which happened at the same time. She quickly set up a Miss Universe relief fund to help out and was able to raise as much as $250,000 to send to the Philippines.

It was only in March 2014 when she was finally able to visit the country together with the Miss Universe Organization. The party headed straight to Coron, Palawan on a charitable mission anew to help rehabilitate three coastal barangays.

Over a week ago, she went back to visit the site in Coron and happily reported, “I was so elated when I saw the kids and the improvement in their lives. I remember before their kindness and good heart. When they had nothing because of Typhoon Yolanda, they still went out of their way to offer me food. I would never forget that. Now, I feel fulfilled seeing them with houses and food and water. They’re also farming already.”

In the Know with Gabriela Isler, Miss Universe 2013.

Now that she’s crossed off her first agenda for her Philippine visit, Gabriela is looking into possible projects in Manila where she can put to use her hosting, modelling and acting skills.

She realized she sought the help of the right agent in Miss World Philippines franchise-holder Arnold Vegafria telling In the Know she already has three photo shoots and an endorsement lined up.

“I have an agency in New York and Venezuela so it is just but fitting to have one too here because I want to return to the Philippines more often.”

When asked about her dream project in these shores, Gabriela replied, “I am a storyteller. I created a movement called Choose You, who concept is for the audience to put themselves first. I want to share stories about extraordinary women and what they go through to inspire more people. So I would really like to have a show where I can interview people about their personal missions and goal in life.”


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