Gomora Cleopatra’s Mom Is Former Miss South Africa, The Two Are Look-Alikes



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By Lucky Mzimkhulu On Nov 25, 2020 

Gomora Cleopatra’s Mom Is Former Miss South Africa, The Two Are Look-Alikes

Nonhle Thema, Gomora Cleopatra’s Mom Is Former Miss South Africa, The Two Are Look-Alikes. Source: Instagram

We surely aren’t wrong to say beauty runs in the family for Gomora’s Cleopatra – real-life Nonhle Thema’s family.

The beautiful and talented actress got all her features from her mother, Cynthia Shange.

Like mother like daughter; the multitalented Cynthia Shange is a veteran actor and a model.

For the two, it’s not just beauty and brains that makes them stand out. They are look-alikes. And what makes it even worse is that Nonhle Thema’s daughter Star Phoenix Ivy Zime is a true copy of both her grandmother and her mother.

During her prime years, she featured on one of Mzansi’s legendary films, Deliwe. The film focused on an orphan who finds fame and fortune in the fickle world of models and entertainment until everything comes crumbling down for her.

This was the time when the beautiful Cynthia Shange won the Miss South Africa pageant.

Gomora Cleopatra’s Mom Is Former Miss South Africa, The Two Are Look-Alikes

Cynthia made a name in the film industry. And one of the big roles she played was that of Senzangakhona’s wife in the legendary Shaka Zulu hit series.



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