Happy Birthday Manushi Chhillar! Know fitness secrets of former Miss World



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Updated On : 15 May 2019,03:23 PM

1 Like a larva that eventually blossoms into a beautiful butterfly, Manushi Chhillar an MBBS student at BPS Government Medical College for Women in Sonepat made the nation proud when she bagged the coveted Miss World Pageant held in China in 2017, 17 years after Priyanka Chopra’s win. A face that only personified beauty-with-brains, Manushi like the hard-working beauty she is, is equally dedicated to her fitness regime and diet. After all, it is not without cause that the former Miss World has a body we all envy and admire. So, what is the secret behind her sylphlike physique? Let us look into it:

2 Working out at least 4 times in a week. Be it an early morning, in the afternoon or at midnight, Manushi makes sure she doesn't miss a single workout session.

3 Among her strict workout routine, one of her favourite exercises is planks.

4 Manushi also likes incorporating pilates, yoga, twisting, squats and kick-boxing in her fitness regime.

5 Manushi's diet of the day starts off with two to three glasses of warm water, with or without lemon.

6 Staying away from sugar! The former Miss World in addition to the strict fitness regime recommends a ‘no’ policy to sugar and refined sugar at all costs.



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