In Focus: Why Pia Wurtzbach, Catriona Gray, and Gazini Ganados Stand Out


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Jan 28, 2020 03:37 PM

ABS-CBN Lifestyle Team

Another Miss Universe had been hailed, after witnessing the competition unfold with its live telecast in ABS-CBN last December 9 in the Philippines. Despite missing the ultimate title this year, we will always root for our own queens. Our new generation of Miss Universe representatives (and winners!) have brought pride to our country, proving that Filipinas have beauty and brains that people all over the globe can take inspiration from. From Miss Universe titleholders Pia Wurtzbach and Catriona Gray to our latest contender Gazini Ganados, these ladies reflect the modern-day woman of power.

In a lot of ways, we’ve taken learnings from these queens. For all its worth, bagging home the title is just the cherry on top of the cake. We list down what Pia, Catriona, and Gazini all have in common, and what makes them the best queens in recent years. From standout beauty to shining personalities, we can’t help but admire these ladies more!

They have a strong presence. Whether it’s strutting in the pageant stage or connecting with their fans through social media, their beauty is impossible to ignore. They exude an aura that is easily noticeable, and maximizes the attention they get by touching people’s lives in a positive way.

They have a heart of gold. These three queens didn’t just move the world with their stunning looks and commanding presence. They also came up to the Miss Universe stage carrying causes that they hold dearly in their hearts. Pia has always pushed for gender equality, even calling on the senate to pass the SOGIE Equality Bill. Catriona called the public’s attention to notice the underprivileged children and vowed to continue supporting this cause even after her reign ended. Gazini especially cares for the elderly, and has made it her mission to give back to them.

They are great role models. You won’t hear a bad thing about Pia, Catriona, and Gazini. They exemplary in grace and charm, always putting their best foot forward no matter what their goal is. They acknowledge that being a beauty queen is a responsibility, and that they have an audience that looks up to them and treats them with respect.

They are forward thinkers. Pia and Catriona did not take the Miss Universe crown in 2015 and 2018, respectively, for nothing! Their wise words, like former’s iconic, “I am confidently beautiful with a heart,” and the latter’s, “I've always taught myself to look for the beauty in it—to look for beauty in the faces of children and to be grateful,” have marked in the minds of people around the world, leaving a legacy that’s hard to dissolve. Meanwhile, Gazini firmly stood by her advocacy for the elderly on the Miss Universe 2019 stage, creating awareness about the heartwarming cause she champions.

They are beautiful beyond words. Elegant walk, sophisticated voice, dignified physique, delicate yet powerful face, beautifully standout hair—these are the qualities of a Filipina beauty. These are things that people will continue to aspire for, but we can’t deny that it’s their natural beauty that truly made an unforgettable impact in the Miss Universe stage. With their crowning glories unbelievably fresh and light (thanks to trusty beauty products like the new Creamsilk Hydra Fresh Conditioner range that intensely hydrates every hair strand without the heaviness and grease), we can conclude that Filipinas are extraordinarily beautiful. And Pia, Catriona, and Gazini are all proof—making us more proud to be Filipinas


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