Lori Lightfoot: From small-town girl to big-city mayor



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Chicago Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot will be the city's first black female and first openly gay mayor. She's also the first in decades who was not born in Chicago. But her childhood in Massillon, Ohio, shaped the person she would become, according to those who knew her then. (E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune)

Lolly Bowean
Chicago Tribune

She was devastated when she earned a B grade in class.

She was a celebrated point guard on the basketball team, sang in the choir, played trumpet in the band and, by being elected president of her class three times in a row, she demonstrated that she was a standout among the students at Washington High School in Massillon, Ohio.

So when it was time to select “Miss Massillonian” — the young woman who would represent the small Ohio city and who was often admired as destined to become the most successful — Lori Lightfoot’s classmates thought she would make history and become only the second African-American woman to hold the pageant title.

“There’s no doubt that she had to work harder to be in that position,” said Jennifer Brown Grizzard, 57, who attended high school with Lightfoot from 1977 until 1980. “Lori was so focused. … She should have won.”

The pageant judges didn’t pick her, and Lightfoot didn’t make history in her hometown that year.

But nearly 40 years later, she’s made a much bigger mark on history. Tuesday, she became the first black woman, and the first openly gay politician, elected to lead Chicago. She will also be the first elected mayor in decades who wasn’t born in Chicago.

For Lightfoot’s close-knit community of friends and family back in her hometown, she’s taking her rightful position at the top. And her rapid ascent from a relatively unknown prosecutor to mayor is no surprise to the people who knew her in her formative years.

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“Lori can do anything she puts her mind to,” said Darlene Stanford, 57, who grew up around the corner from Lightfoot in Massillon and has known her since kindergarten. “She’s always been so determined. She’s very intelligent. She deserves this … she has worked for it.”

During the heated campaign, opponent Toni Preckwinkle sought to portray Lightfoot as a wealthy, corporate attorney.

In fact, Lightfoot, 56, grew up about 400 miles east of Chicago in a small, working-class city in Ohio dotted by modest, wood-frame houses. Many of Massillon’s 32,000 residents once worked in steel mills and factories until they started shutting down. Abandoned warehouses and vacant commercial buildings litter the community, which has a set of railroad tracks running through it and is split by the Tuscarawas River.

It’s a place where there are only a handful of quaint, locally owned restaurants and bars; where deer and wild turkeys roam freely in backyards; where residents hand out warm greetings with ease and wave to passersby.

Much of the community’s social activities center around high school football and the annual beauty pageant. The high school football stadium holds about 16,400 people and on Friday nights the crowd spills from the stadium into the parking lot.

Lightfoot’s story is the journey of a small-town girl from a conservative and religious family who envisioned a much bigger life for herself. She hails from a community where many of the students don’t aim for college, and she slowly rose to be a major influential force in Chicago.

“She was a born leader,” said her mother, Ann Lightfoot, who is 90 and still lives in Massillon. “Whatever she is into, she gives 100 percent. She’s the type of person who won’t get into something if she doesn’t like it and plan to do her best.”

Paul Brown Tiger Stadium in Massillon, Ohio, hometown of Lori Lightfoot, on March 29, 2019. (E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune)
‘My dad … would be totally blown away’

As she rode around Chicago on Election Day, Lightfoot said her mind occasionally wandered to the historic nature of a convincing win that would come just hours later. A big part of that included reflecting on her friends and family back home.

“I think about my parents, and I think a lot about the sacrifices they have made,” Lightfoot said. “I think a lot about my dad, who would be totally blown away by this circumstance.” Her father died in 2009.

As Chicagoans cast their ballots Tuesday, Lightfoot was in touch with her friends back in Ohio.

“I’ve been hearing from a lot of those folks. I just talked to my mother a little while ago, and I’ve been getting text messages from elementary school friends, high school friends far and near,” Lightfoot said. “There has been a lot of coverage in the local news. People have been watching the reporting from here, so I’m getting a lot of love from people I’ve known literally my entire life.”

Chicago election results: Here's a breakdown of how the city and suburbs voted »

Like many African-Americans, Lightfoot’s parents migrated from the South, fleeing racism and looking for better opportunities. They settled in Ohio. In the small family-oriented town, Lightfoot’s mother found work as a nursing aide, and her father, the son of a sharecropper, got a job as a janitor.

In the 1950s, the couple quickly had two children. Then Lightfoot’s father, Elijah Lightfoot, was diagnosed with meningitis, an illness that almost killed him. He recovered but lost his hearing, his wife, Ann Lightfoot, said.

Once he recovered, he and his wife had two more children — there is a four-year gap between the sibling pairs. Lori Lightfoot was their last born.

Ann Lightfoot, mother of Lori Lightfoot, in Massillon, Ohio, on March 29, 2019. (E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune)

“Lori spent more time with me than the other children,” Ann Lightfoot said. “She had such a wonderful upbringing here. I believe of my four children, Lori became the most outgoing.”

Lori Lightfoot grew up in a handsome, two-story house in a lower-income community. The town was segregated, and Lightfoot’s parents chose to live in a white area because they wanted their children exposed to the mainstream culture, Ann Lightfoot said.

In her early years, Lori Lightfoot was often the only black student in her classes. By the time she entered high school, her surroundings were more diverse.

In their community, Lightfoot became known as the friendly girl who broke barriers, took charge and pushed herself to achieve.

By the time she entered 10th grade, Lightfoot knew she wanted to be the leader of her school class of 437 students, those who knew her said. She campaigned to become class president and won easily, in part because she was so popular.

“She was able to get people together, and they would listen to her,” said David Harding, 71, a now-retired English literature teacher who served as the class adviser back then. “She wasn’t a large person, and she couldn’t overwhelm with size. So she led by example, and she never tried to put on airs. (Authority) could go to your head, she never allowed that. She was consistent all the way through.”

As class president, a teenage Lightfoot led a daylong boycott of the cafeteria’s bland food. Her efforts were rewarded with more flavorful pizza.

“The pizza boycott sounds funny now, but it was a big deal back then,” said Stephanie Cox Markovic, 56, another high school classmate who was also a class officer. At one point, a young Lightfoot testified before the school board to defend a teacher at their school, Markovic remembered.

“What teenager goes to a board meeting in high school? Nobody but Lori,” she said.

Lori Lightfoot, far right in back row, in the 1980 Miss Massillonian pageant at Washington High School. (Massillon High School yearbook photo)

Outside of student government, Lightfoot busied herself with lots of other extracurricular activities: She sang alto in the choir, played trumpet in the band, and was a member of the Latin Club and the school’s culture club, a group responsible for encouraging student participation. She played volleyball and emerged as a leader on the high school’s basketball team.

“She had a lot of speed and ball control,” said Bobby Grizzard, 59, another of her former classmates and husband of Jennifer Brown Grizzard. “She was quick. She could keep the whole team going.”

Even as a teenager, Lightfoot was a standout, Grizzard said.

“We thought Lori was a bright star,” he said. “If you consider that she was class president for all three years, it shows how many people were in her corner.”

At one point, Ann Lightfoot told her husband they would have to buy their daughter a car, because she no longer had the energy to chauffeur her to all her activities.

“Getting up at all hours of the day, taking her here, taking her there, it was taking a toll,” Ann Lightfoot said.

Many of Lori Lightfoot’s peers finished high school bound for full-time work. Those who did go to college stayed close by.

But Lightfoot went away to the University of Michigan.

Bobby Grizzard, longtime friend of Lori Lightfoot, in Massillon, Ohio. (E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune)

During her freshman year at Michigan, Lightfoot’s older brother, Brian Lightfoot, was arrested for trying to rob a bank and shooting a security guard. It was a crushing moment for the family, but a teenage Lightfoot supported her parents as they made the difficult decision not to risk their house to bail him out.

“Lori wasn’t at home at the time and she never talked about it a lot. But as time went on, we saw in her conversation, ‘Mom, have you heard from Brian? Brian’s going to be OK.’ She seemed more as if she was trying to uplift me in saying her brother would be fine. His being away affected her,” Ann Lightfoot said.

After she finished college, Lightfoot pursued law, but not because of her brother. Her father aspired to be a lawyer, and she wanted to select a profession that was financially stable, she has said in interviews.

She graduated from the University of Chicago Law School and stayed in Chicago afterward.

‘Rational, pragmatic, calm’
Even as Lightfoot’s older brother struggled with the criminal justice system, she continued to rise.

Brian Lightfoot served time in prison but is now back in Massillon. On the campaign trail, Lori Lightfoot has praised him for his rehabilitation.

And even as she made a name for herself and built a reputation in Chicago, she kept one hand reaching back to Massillon. She’d attend the big football games and the tailgates, and reconnect with her classmates during frequent reunions. Because she was the class president, she’d deliver the keynote speech at gatherings nearly every five years, her former classmates said.

As a result, in some ways, her victory is her hometown’s victory too.

“She was loyal. She is still loyal,” said Chuck Richards, another of her high school classmates. “When Lori walks into a room, her charismatic personality takes control. She’s rational, pragmatic, calm.”

On the campaign trail, Lightfoot often described herself as a girl from a low-income family in a segregated steel town to illustrate the improbability of her rise from those roots to the possibility of becoming mayor of America’s third largest city.

Chicago Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot is the first in decades who was not born in Chicago. Her childhood in Massillon, Ohio, shaped the person she would become, according to those who knew her when.

She described her hometown as a place “where we struggled, it’s a difficult place. It certainly was difficult for me growing up, but there is a huge amount of pride,” Lightfoot said. “This is a tremendous accomplishment for somebody from little Massillon, Ohio.”

With her flourishing career in Chicago, Lightfoot could have easily become detached from her hometown, said Marva Dodson, 74, who has known the Lightfoot family through church since Lori Lightfoot was barely in school. But she remained involved.

In 2013, Dodson nominated Lightfoot to be honored with Washington High School’s Distinguished Citizen award.

“She was a very smart, reserved and high-achieving teenager, and then she went on to become a mature, successful, practicing prosecuting attorney,” Dodson said.

In Massillon, Lightfoot’s mother kept her campaign sign taped to the front window of her house. Her good friend Darlene Stanford had her “Lightfoot for Mayor” T-shirt and pins laid out on a table in her living room.

Although they aren’t big earners, several of Lightfoot’s former classmates back home said they donated to her campaign.

When Markovic learned that her former classmate was running for mayor of Chicago, she wasn’t shocked because Lightfoot was always ambitious.

“Although she’s talented and smart, my first thought was, ‘Nobody wins their first election,’ ” Markovic said. “Then all of a sudden, she kept inching up in the polls. Then there was the election, and she was ahead.”

As Lightfoot neared victory, it brought back a familiar feeling for Markovic — one she remembered from high school.

“I was surprised, but I wasn’t surprised,” she said. “Because that’s Lori.”

Chicago Tribune reporter Bill Ruthhart contributed.



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