Memorial for former Miss USA Kryst to be held in North Carolina


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By James Lionel FEB 11, 2022

A memorial service will be held in North Carolina for former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst, relatives announced Thursday.

The “public celebration of life” for Kryst — who jumped to her death from a Manhattan high-rise on Jan. 30 — will be held on Feb. 18 at Elevation Blakeney church in Charlotte.

“The celebration will also be livestreamed,” a family spokesperson said in a statement to the Charlotte Observer. “The family will observe a private, invitation-only celebration prior to the public celebration, as they continue to ask the public to respect their privacy during this time.”

In lieu of flowers, relatives encouraged mourners to make donations in the name of the 2019 Miss USA winner to Dress for Success, a global nonprofit that provides professional attire to low-income women.

Kryst, 30, was a Michigan native who grew up in Rock Hill, South Carolina. She was found dead in a Midtown street after jumping from a 29th-floor terrace at the luxe Orion building, where the North Carolina attorney lived on the ninth floor, law enforcement sources previously told The Post.

Kryst left behind a note saying she wanted to leave everything to her mother, sources said.

A “public celebration of life” will be held in honor of former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst in a church in Charlotte, North Carolina.


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