Miss Colombia becomes latest US ‘Big Brother’ housemate



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By: Alfred Bayle -Content Strategist INQUIRER.net / 05:23 PM January 30, 2018

Image: CBS official website

Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez has been confirmed to be among the selected housemates of upcoming “Big Brother Celebrity Edition” in the United States.

Gutierrez won first runner-up in the 2015 Miss Universe Pageant where host Steve Harvey mistakenly announced her as the winner instead of Pia Wurztbach. She later recounted the pageant experience as humiliating during a radio interview.

According to a CBS statement, Gutierrez will be joined by other celebrities like UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Chuck Liddell, Broadway star and Tony Award (Hairspray, Tracy Turnblad) winner Marissa Jaret Winokur and Sugar Ray frontman Mark McGrath, to name a few.

Fans of the model and host may catch her as a US Big Brother housemate starting Feb. 7. /ra

Read more: https://entertainment.inquirer.net/259860/miss-colombia-becomes-latest-us-big-brother-housemate#ixzz55lXbALX7 


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