Miss World: who are the Argentines who followed in the footsteps of Norma Cappagli



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Mirta Massa on the left, Miss International (1967), and on the right Norma Nolan, Miss Universe (1962) Source: Archive

by DESK December 23, 2020 

Norma Cappagli, who died after being run over on Thursday, was crowned Miss World in 1960. Silvana Suárez is the second Argentine with the same title, obtained in 1978. Other women stood out in similar competitions, both nationally and internationally Source: HELLO – Credit: Getty Images

Norma Cappagli was crowned Miss Mundo in 1960, achievement that positioned her as national pride at age 21. This Thursday, she was run over by a group in the Recoleta neighborhood and died five days after the fact, at the age of 81. There were many Argentine models who tried to follow in his footsteps in the international beauty pageant, but only made it to finalists; Silvana Suarez was the only one who got the same title in 1978.

Norma Gladys Cappagli was the winner of the 1960 edition of the Miss World pageant, held in London. The year after his coronation, his name was the most chosen for the women of our country. That is why it is not surprising that many young women interested in modeling dreamed of traveling and becoming winners.

Silvana Suárez, the last Miss World Argentina

Suárez, born in the province of CórdobaShe was studying architecture in the late 70s, but kept her modeling career parallel. He was on an undefeated streak of coronations, since in all the contests where he competed the winning band was carried. After doubting whether to continue with his studies or launching himself to travel at 19, he decided to pursue his dream and perform in London.

This was the coronation of the last Argentine Miss World, Silvana Suárez, in 1978, almost 20 years after the achievement of Norma Cappagli

Suárez was crowned Miss World in 1978 and was the last Argentine to obtain the same title as Cappagli. The model remained in the media for several years and married Julio Ramos, owner of the newspaper Financial sphere. Some also remember her for her live fight with Mirtha Legrand in 1999, the same year she divorced the businessman, when she got up from the table and the lunch diva yelled at her: “I don’t need you to have an audience, Silvana Suárez!“.

Miss International and Miss Universe, also Argentine

In addition to the renowned Miss World pageant, there were others that had great relevance. Miss International and Miss Universe They were booming in the 60s: there were two Argentine models who wore the band with pride.

It’s about the santafecina Norma Nolan, who worked on campaigns with Cappagli and at age 24 was elected Miss Universe, in 1962 in Miami. Is the only Argentine who was consecrated with this crown. On the other hand, the porteña Mirta Massa was Miss International in 1967, and Long Beach, California.

It should be added that the contest was held at the national level Miss Argentina, the most famous being the one that was televised by the nine, hosted by Silvio Soldan and organized by the marriage of Jean Cartier and Maria Fernandto. Within the list of iconic Argentine women who received this title are Isabel sarli (1955) and Adriana Salgueiro (1976), who was also semifinalist in the Miss World competition of the same year.



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