Rosanna Davison emotional as daughter Sophia growing up ‘way too fast’


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By Emma Costello - 25/04/2021

Rosanna Davison was a little emotional as she reflected on the last year, seeing her daughter Sophia grow up ‘way too fast’.

The author has three children with husband Wes Quirke — one-year-old Sophia and five-month-old twins Hugo and Oscar.

Thinking about when Sophia was five months, Rosanna was shocked at how fast time is going by.

Rosanna Davison was a little emotional as she reflected on the last year, seeing her daughter Sophia grow up ‘way too fast’. Pic: Rosanna Davison/Instagram

Sharing a photo of Sophia with one of the family dogs, Ted, the former Miss World became nostalgic.

‘Sophia (and Ted) this day last year when she turned [five] months old,’ she wrote.

‘I know everyone with a baby says it, but time really goes waaay too fast!

‘It could also be because you’re mostly in a dazed state of exhaustion for at least the first [six] months.’

Sharing a photo of Sophia with one of the family dogs, Ted, the former Miss World became nostalgic. Pic: Instagram/Rosanna Davison

Others related to the sweet post with one writing: ‘That’s it exactly, time just goes so fast, cherish every minute.’

‘I know… I find it a little heartbreaking at times to be honest, as wonderful as it is to see them grow and develop,’ another said.

Rosanna has been very open about her fertility journey, receiving high praise from many for sharing her story to provide encouragement and sympathy to those going through a similar experience. Pic: Rosanna Davison/Instagram

Following on from opening about her 14 miscarriages and then conceiving her twin boys, the former pageant contestant has penned a parenting book.

This will make it her third published book, having already written Eat Yourself Beautiful and Eat Yourself Fit.


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