Shamcey Supsup asks for help on how to retrieve disabled


346    0 / 09:37 PM August 24, 2020

Beauty queen Shamcey Supsup-Lee is in a quandary as her and husband Lloyd Lee’s Facebook accounts have apparently been disabled recently.

Supsup, who was 3rd runner up at the Miss Universe 2011 pageant and is the current national director for the Miss Universe Philippines Organization, took to Instagram today, Aug. 24, to talk about her predicament.

“My personal Facebook account got disabled and Lloyd’s account as well. They’re both linked to my official page Shamcey Supsup,” she said through a card which she posted. “I was able to submit an ID and still awaiting for Facebook’s response. Lloyd on the other hand can’t submit anything because it’s linked to an old phone number and he has no access to the code that was sent to it.”

She also asked her fans and followers for help.

“Help anyone? So Facebook decided to disable our accounts with no specific reason. And I can’t find a way to contact them,” she said. Some of her Instagram followers tried to be of help.

shamcey IG
Shamcey Supsup. Image: Instagram/@supsupshamcey
“It happens when someone reports your account,” said one @mikko_mourell.

“Naku Ms. Shamcey, same thing happened to me po. Nagin strict lang sila lately. Puro sa email lang po sila sumasagot,” one @iamjulesgee shared. (They have been strict lately. They only answer via email.)

“Did somebody hack them? Or maybe your accounts were reported by some people out of inggit (envy)” one @mervinculibar theorized.

Another commenter, @mbelista28, offered advice on how the beauty queen could retrieve her Facebook account, which is by reseting her passwords. JB


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