Shamcey Supsup shares old report card, reveals to be grade-conscious back in college


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By Dianara Alegre

Published On: April 23, 2020, 05:43 PM

Miss Universe director and board topnotcher Shamcey Supsup made quite a revelation of her life as a student in UP-Diliman.
Miss Universe director and board topnotcher Shamcey Supsup revealed that she used to be so “grade conscious” when she was in college.

On Thursday, April 23, Miss Universe Philippines 2011 unearthed her decade-old report card from the University of the Philippines-Diliman where she obtained her degree in Architecture.

“I grew up to be really 'grade conscious' or 'GC' for short. It didn't matter if I really learned anything as long as I get the grade, I was fine,” she said.

But now that she faces life without the pressure of getting high grades, she noted, “But now, I am more than certain that grades are not everything. Grades should be a byproduct of learning.

“And what you do with that knowledge is much more important than what is on your report card.”

Shamcey graduated magna cum laude in UP Diliman in 2010 and topped the 2010 Architect Licensure Examination. She became a household name after winning Bb. Pilipinas-Universe in 2011.

In December 2019, she was appointed as the director of first-ever Miss Universe Philippines pageant. She is joined by designer Albert Andrada as the Design Council Head, talent manager Jonas Gaffud as the Creative Director, Miss Universe Philippines 2006 Lia Ramos as Head of Women Empowerment Committee and Charity, Atty. Nad Bronce as Head of Legal Affairs, and Mario Garcia as Business Development/ Marketing Head.

Meanwhile, Shamcey's advice came timely as Filipino students became wary and anxious about their academic status amid the enhanced community quarantine imposed in Luzon due to the 2019 coronavirus disease.


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