Stunning Miss Universe – Iceland 2018 Turns Out to Be Russian


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© Photo : Instagram/katrin.lea   22:04 04.12.2018 

The much-anticipated finals are due to take place in Thailand in mid-December, with Russia being represented by beautiful Yulia Polyachikhina from Cheboksary.

The winner of the contest "Miss Universe — Iceland 2018" Katrin Lea Elenudottir, who is representing the Nordic country in the "Miss Universe" finals, was born in Russia, according to the news portal 

Katrin, who was previously known as Ekaterina Skorobogatova, lived in Omsk, a city in Siberia, until the age of 9. In 2005, her mother met an Icelandic man while on vacation in Spain and shortly afterwards emigrated to Iceland, where two years later they were joined by her daughter. They obtained the country's citizenship, but frequently come to Russia to see their relatives and friends.

Katrin is studying at the linguistics department of a Reykjavik college, is fluent in Icelandic, Russian and English, and is currently taking a course of French, Danish and Latin. After college, the girl intends to study law and become qualified as a specialist on immigration issues.

"I am an immigrant myself, and know from my own experience all the difficulties that newcomer face as they move to another country and try to get used to a different language and culture", she told Lady Code in November.

Along with studies, Katrin is an active social campaigner, as she volunteers at a care home for the elderly and assists immigrants' children in adapting to their new Icelandic reality.

The "Miss Universe" finals will take place this year on December 16 and 17 in the Thai capital of Bangkok. The winner of the contest, in which would-be journalist Yulia Polyachikhina represents Russia, will be crowned by last year's beauty queen Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters from South Africa.


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