Sushmita Sen almost withdrew her nomination from the Miss India pageant because of Aishwarya Rai


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Sushmita Sen won the Miss India title

By Reporter Created: 11 July 2021

Sushmita Sen almost withdrew her nomination from the Miss India pageant because of Aishwarya Rai

If ageless beauty had a face, Sushmita Sen would make it to the top 10 of the list without any doubt. While her claims to fame are the Miss India and Miss Universe pageants, she then ventured into Bollywood to make a name for herself in acting. But she recently revealed that she nearly pulled out of the 1994 Miss India pageant because of Aishwarya Rai.

Sushmita Sen made the revelation on late actor Farooq Sheikh's show Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai. Sushmita Sen said that she withdrew her nomination form when she learned that Aishwarya Rai was also participating. On the show, Sushmita Sen said:"I was informed that 25 girls have removed their names from Miss India this time and I was asked if I wanted to do the same. I asked why and they said, 'This time Aishwarya Rai is participating in Miss India.' I said, 'please return my form as well. I don't want to participate.'"

Sushmita Sen continued: "Aish knows about this, I told Aish about this later that I withdrew my participation form. I was like, 'She's so beautiful and the world knows it. I don't want to go with her.' I returned home and was scolded at home by my mother. 'What is this, you lost hope without even trying? So what, let her win. If you think she's the world's most beautiful woman, then lose against her. What's the point of losing to someone else? Go give it your best shot.'"


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