Throwback Tulsa: Miss Tulsa is crowned Miss America 95 years ago today


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Sep 10, 2021

The choice of Norma Smallwood as Miss America of 1926 was declared to be an “anti-flapper victory” in the Tulsa World. However, she began to show the signs of a flapper, rebelling against conventional standards for feminine behavior, drinking and enjoying the company of men. She also charged fees for public appearances, earning an estimated $100,000 as Miss America. Courtesy

95 years ago today, the crowning of Norma Des Cygne Smallwood as Miss America 1926 was hailed as an anti-flapper victory by the Tulsa World.

Smallwood didn’t bob her long, chestnut hair but wore it rolled into buns on either side of her face, somewhat like Princess Leia in “Star Wars.”

“Chosen for beauty, intelligence and personality, Miss Tulsa … is a type entirely apart from the bobbed-haired, boyish flapper popularly acclaimed as the exponent of American girlhood,” read the Associated Press story bannered on the front page of the Tulsa World on Sept. 11, 1926.

A Bristow native, Smallwood was described by her mother, Mrs. Mahala Smallwood Dickerson, as “a real girl” with a “liking for taking corners on two wheels when she is driving.”

However, as Miss America, Smallwood turned out to be a public relations nightmare for pageant officials.

The 15 semi-finalists in the 1926 Miss America Pageant pose together on September 10, 1926, with Tulsa's Norma Smallwood on the far right. Smallwood was one of the few contestants to wear her hair in long, pinned-up braids, in contrast to the bob cuts of her competitors.

Norma Smallwood’s Miss America 1926 trophy sells at an online auction to the only bidder for the asking price of $5,000. Family members did not bid on the trophy. Courtesy

Norma Smallwood (left) clutches her newly-won Miss America trophy along with 1st runner-up Ruth Patterson, Miss Greater New York, and 2nd runner-up Marjorie Joesting, Miss Washington, D.C.

Smallwood is widely regarded as the first financially savvy Miss America. She became the poster girl for Radio Index, Meadows Washing Machines and Westinghouse Electric, in addition to promoting many others brands and companies.

Norma as Miss Tulsa riding a float in the popular Miss America Rolling Chair Parade the morning of September 10, 1926.

Norma (center) is heralded on Atlantic City's famed Boardwalk the day after her crowning with 1st runner-up Ruth Patterson, Miss Greater New York (left) and 2nd runner-up Marjorie Joesting, Miss Washington, D.C. (right) on September 11, 1926.

Norma Smallwood (right) poses with her daughter, DesCygne Gilcrease, circa 1936. Smallwood was the first woman from Oklahoma to win Miss America in 1926. One of her pageant trophies has recently come up for auction. Courtesy

Norma Smallwood (left) stands with her grandson Thomas Denney on the Fourth of July, circa 1963. Smallwood, Oklahoma’s first Miss America winner, died in 1966. A pageant trophy that her family didn’t know existed has recently come up for auction online. Courtesy

Norma Smallwood, Miss America 1926, poses with American aviation hero Charles Lindbergh.


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