Who is Myanmar Beauty Queen Takes Up Arm: Biography, Personal Life of Htar Htet Htet



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Jenny Barry Jenny Barry May 12, 2021 | 20:05

Htar Htet Htet, former Myanmar beauty queen, has joined ethnic rebels to take up arms against the country's military leaders, posting photos of herself with an assault rifle. Htar Htet Htet's biography, career and personal life.

Who is Htar Htet Htet: Biography, Personal Life - Myanmar Beauty Queen Takes Up Arm
Former Myanmar beauty queen Takes Up Arm
Htar Htet Htet, who represented Myanmar in the first Miss Grand International beauty pageant in Thailand in 2013, has taken up arms against the southeast Asian country's military leaders, AFP and Timesnownews.com report.

Myanmar has been in chaos and its economy paralysed since the military seized power on February 1, ousting civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Ethnic armed rebel groups have stepped up attacks on the military and police in recent months, raising fears of Myanmar spiralling into broader civil conflict, AFP report.

The 32-year-old gymnastics instructor has joined ethnic armed groups in Myanmar's border regions.

On her Facebook page, former Myanmar beauty queen wrote: “The time has come to fight back. Whether you hold a weapon, pen, keyboard or donate money to the pro-democracy movement, everyone must do their bit for the revolution to succeed."

"I will fight back as much as I can. I am ready and prepared to give up everything. I am even ready to pay with my life," she wrote.

Biography, Personal Life of Htar Htet Htet

Myanmar beauty queen takes up arms

Like some other Burmese beauty queens, Htar Htet Htet is involved in philanthropic work at home, volunteering with the Myanmar Gymnast Federation and also working with the elderly and people with leprosy.

Myanmar Beauty Queen Wins ‘Miss Popular’ Award
Miss Grand Myanmar contestant Htar Htet Htet has been named the winner of the Miss Popular Award at the first-ever Miss Grand International beauty contest in Bangkok, Thailand.

Myanmar Beauty Queen of Yangon claimed the title on Tuesday (20 November 2013) after receiving 8,899 votes in online polling from her fans. The award comes with a US $3,000 cash prize.

Htar Htet Htet is the latest of a string of Burmese beauty contestants to win recognition in international competitions. Until political and economic reforms began in the country nearly three years ago, Burmese rarely took part in such contests.

The former national gymnast is the third Burmese beauty queen to win an online popularity contest since last year. In September, Khin Wint Wah was voted the most popular contestant in the Miss Supranational competition, held in the Belarussian capital Minsk, while Nang Khin Zay Yar won the same title at the Miss International Myanmar contest in Okinawa, Japan, in November 2012.



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