19-Year-Old Farmer's Daughter Crowned As Miss Vietnam 2020



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19-Year-Old Farmer's Daughter Crowned As Miss Vietnam 2020
Do Thi Ha won Miss Vietnam 2020, the country's most prestigious beauty pageant held once every two years.

By Yap Wan Xiang — 26 Nov 2020, 12:50 PM

#entertainment #vietnam #beautypageant #personality #trending #farmers #beauty #MissWorld
Cover image via Mothership & Tuoi Tre News
On Friday, 20 November, 19-year-old student Do Thi Ha was crowned as Miss Vietnam 2020 after beating 34 other finalists

According to Tuoi Tre News, Ha was born in Thanh Hoa Province and is currently studying at the prestigious National Economics University (NEU) in Hanoi.

The 175cm-tall beauty pageant winner comes from a family of farmers and day workers.

She brought home VND350 million (RM61,950) in prize money, while the first runner-up Pham Ngoc Phuong Anh and second runner-up Nguyen Le Ngoc Thao won VND250 million (RM44,250) and VND200 million (RM35,400) each respectively, reported Dantri International News.

Image via Tuoi Tre News

Image via Tuoi Tre News

It is said that Ha saved her own money to cover the costs to compete in the beauty contest

Other than winning the biggest title of the night, Ha also won a handful of other prizes, including the Media Beauty, Fashion Beauty, and Sea Beauty awards.

During the final, 35 contestants donned áo dài — a Vietnamese traditional costume — swimsuits, evening gowns, and underwent a question-and-answer round.

Image via Tuoi Tre News

Image via Tuoi Tre News

In one of the events, Ha can be seen wearing a red áo dài while sitting on a litter with golden dragon embellishments

Xinhuanet reported that Miss Vietnam is only held once every two years.

Organised by Vietnamese daily newspaper Tien Phong since 1988, the pageant aims to celebrate beauty, knowledge, and kindness.

After 32 years with 16 editions, Miss Vietnam is considered the nation's most prestigious national beauty contest.

Do Thi Ha sitting on the litter while dressed in an áo dài.

Image via China Xinhua News (Facebook)



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