2 Myanmar beauty queens find refuge abroad, won’t face prosecution



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Published May 25, 2021, 8:44 PM by Robert Requintina

Miss Universe Myanmar Thuzar Wint Lwin (right) and Miss Grand Myanmar Han Lay

Two beauty queens from Myanmar who competed in international pageants recently are now safe and won’t face prosecution after they found refuge abroad.

These beauty queens are Miss Universe Myanmar Thuzar Wint Lwin and Miss Grand Myanmar Han Lay.

On Instagram May 25, the Miss Universe Myanmar organization reported that Thuzar was welcomed by the Chin community in Indianapolis where she will work as a model.

Thuzar Wint Lwin

The organization thanked the people in the US for their care and support to Thuzar, also known as Candy Thuzar.

Earlier, Thuzar faced arrest after the National Costume Show at the 69th Miss Universe Competition where she dressed up in an authentic national costume and proudly showed the huge sign “Pray for Myanmar.”

In an introduction video sent to the Miss Universe Organization, Thuzar said: “Our people are dying and being shot by the military every day. I would like to urge everyone to speak about Myanmar. As Miss Universe Myanmar since the coup, I have been speaking out as much as I can.”

Thuzar won the best national costume and finished in the top 21 at the Miss Universe pageant.

Han Lay

Pageant organizers also thanked the international media for the coverages and those who prayed for Myanmar.

“Thank you all, home country and international supporters for all your love to our Miss Universe Myanmar. Special thanks to Chin community in the USA for the beautiful winning national costume that captured the hearts of the universe.

“Thuzar Wint Lwin journey is another testament that nothing is impossible if you believe and never give up. It’s incredible that she was able to use her platform with such an impactful recognition and response from the world. Thank you news media for your coverages and making this moment even more significant. We all deserve a life and a future freedom from fear.

“This was a small glimpse of hope and happiness for the people of Myanmar. Our Miss Myanmar, Thuzar Wint Lwin, or as her adoring supporters call her Candy, will remain in the USA for the time being. Please continue to advocate, promote and keep Myanmar in your prayers,” pageant organizers in Myanmar also shared on IG.

Another Myanmar beauty queen who found refuge abroad is Miss Grand Myanmar Han Lay.

In the same social media account, Myanmar pageant organizers said that Han is still in Thailand with her Miss Grand International family.

Han made history when she became the first beauty queen from Myanmar to enter the semis of an international beauty pageant.

On social media, Han also renewed her appeal to the international community to help Myanmar.

“Please Hear My Voice Again! It’s been more than 110 days that Military Juntas have staged a coup! In these days, those terrorists (also murderers) have killed more than 811 people including children and detained more than 4200 people for no reason!

“These records are basically collected. In actual, it can be more than this because they killed ppl and some ppl have been taken and thrown away. I do wanna shout out loud to help Myanmar as you all can do!

“We are dying on the streets every day, protesting everyday by risking our lives, were brutally cracked down, tortured, beaten, sexual assaulted and have fled to safer places not to be attacked by them. We don’t have weapons, but we’ve Strong Souls.

“Those murderers have to be responsible for everything they’ve done to us. I hope International communities will be trying to help us, the people of Myanmar as they can. Please help Myanmar! We need help!” said Han on Instagram.

If they return to Myanmar, both beauty queens will be arrested and face prosecution for using the pageants as their platform to voice their protests.



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