2019 Miss Tibet Pageant Withdrawn Due to No Participants



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May 20, 2019 Editor TJ 0 Comments 2019 Miss Tibet, Lobsang Wangyal, Miss Tibet, Tibetan Beauty Pageants

The 2019 version of the only Tibetan beauty pageant, Miss Tibet has been called off after it has not been able to receive any participants. The director of the 2019 Miss Tibet pageant, Mr. Lobsang Wangyal has announced the withdrawal by calling a press conference in McLeod Ganj on Monday morning.

Mr. Lobsang Wangyal during a press briefing held at the Norbu House in McLeod Ganj this morning announced that the 2019 Miss Tibet will not be held due to no participants. During the briefing, he urged for more participation from Tibetans in the 2020 version of the Miss Tibet pageant.

The 2018 Miss Tibet was held for the first time outside Dharamshala and it had a difficult experience then. Since the venue was set in New York, participants from India and Nepal could not obtain US visas to participate and after a delayed schedule, the lone contestant Tenzin Yonten was crowned the title in a ceremony held at the Armenian Church, 2nd Avenue in New York City on December 23.

This is the 17th version of Miss Tibet pageant which started in the year 2002 has been one of the most popular events to look at in the Tibetan head quarters Dharamsala. The pageant organized by Lobsang Wangyal has also been able send its winners to various international platforms hence creating significant awareness about the Tibet issue across the world. China has also been wary of the pageant’s growing popularity and significance not only in the Tibetan community but also at the international stage.



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