3 Caribbean beauties shine at Miss Supranational 2023



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Loop News July 15, 2023 11:02 AM ET Photo: Miss Supranational

The beauty of Caribbean women was on show last evening at the Strzelecki Park Amphitheater in Poland when three regional delegates were able to secure semi-final spots in the 2023 Miss Supranational pageant.

Miss Curaçao Andreina Pereira, Miss Puerto Rico Camille Fabery and Miss Dominican Republic Crystal Matos were among the 24 delegates in the running to succeed South Africa'sLalela Mswane.

Pereira did not advance past the second round cuts on coronation night but she was named as the continental ambassador for the Caribbean.

She also won the Contestants Choice Award.

Fabery and Matos finished in the Top 12 of the competition.

Andrea Aguilera of Ecuador was crowned Miss Supranational 2023.


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