35 beauties eye Miss World Zim berth



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Tafadzwa Zimoyo Senior Arts Reporter

THIRTY-five girls are set to battle it out for inclusion on the final list of contestants for the Miss World Zimbabwe (MWZ) pageant, slated for July 27 at Orchid Gardens in Domboshava.

MWZ conducted auditions countrywide with the 35 having qualified for the initial stage with selection for the final contestants still in the process.

Organisers of the pageant said the final list of contestants would be unveiled at a Press conference to be held soon. This year’s edition will run under the theme ‘Helping Zimbabwe to Survive Natural disasters’ which is in cognisance of the devastating effects of tropical Cyclone Idai that hit some parts of the country in March this year.

Miss Zimbabwe Trust administrator Christine Matambo said they have completed auditions and were still scouting for more girls.

“We had successful auditions which were held last weekend at our offices. We are happy that it went well and we had a high turnout of girls from different backgrounds. We had 35 girls who qualified and the final girls who will walk on the ramp will be unveiled soon,” she said.

The auditions were held at Miss Zimbabwe Trust premises at number 14 Boundary Road, Highlands, Harare.
Matambo said the elimination process is expected to start at the boot camp.

She said they were still engaged in talks with some performing artistes who are billed to entertain guests as they anticipate that the event would be ‘bigger and better’. The beauty pageant is now being run by a nine-member executive committee after its former chairperson, Mrs Marry Chiwenga, stepped down from the position last year. Mrs Chiwenga is, however, still the licence holder of the global event in the country.

Last year saw Veterinary Sciences student at Mazowe College Hajirah Belinda Potts clinching the coveted title, beating 13 other models at a glittering ceremony held at Orchid Gardens, Domboshava.



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