37 contestants set for MBGN pageant



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By Christy Anyanwu 16th October 2022 in Lifestyle

The 37 contestants, representing the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, who will contest in the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria, MGBN pageant are now in camp.

The winner of the pageant will represent the country at the Miss Universe Pageant in New Orleans, United States.

At a press conference, President, Silverbird Group, Guy Murray Bruce, disclosed that the beautiful ladies have been well groomed by Juliette Hagerman, an American ex-beauty queen, noting that his firm is set to showcase them to the world.

Chairman of Colonades, Charles Odunukwe, in his remarks expressed the pleasure of his hotel in accommodating the contestants as part of its corporate social responsibility, to give hope to the young ladies.

“The way the MBGN has transformed the lives of these young ladies gives me joy. Their lives have been changed for better,” he said

The pageant will hold on Friday, October 21, 2022 at the Eko Hotel and Suites. Eko Hotel@Suites, Colonades, Champagne Vollereaux Nigeria, SARIS Signature, WAW, Zaron are among the sponsors.


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