47th Miss Intercontinental to be officially held in PH



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By: Clarizel Abanilla - Entertainment Correspondent INQUIRER.net / 12:30 PM June 26, 2018

Katarina Rodriguez. Instagram/@katarinarodri

The 47th Miss Intercontinental beauty pageant will be held in the Philippines in January 2019 according to Missosology.

Sponsored by a team from Japan, Veronica Salas Vallejo of Mexico, last year’s title holder, will be crowning her new successor in Manila.

At last year’s pageant, Philippine bet Katarina Rodriguez made history when she finished 1st runner-up in the pageant. She rallied just right behind Vallejo during the coronation night held at the Sunrise Garden Beach Resort in Hurghada, Egypt.

Rodriguez is the second Filipina to finish first runner-up in Miss Intercontinental. Christi Lynn McGarry first achieved the feat in 2015. 

Read more: http://entertainment.inquirer.net/280754/47th-miss-intercontinental-officially-held-ph#ixzz5M67HHKfb


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