5 things you probably didn't know about Miss Thailand Universe 2019, Paweensuda Drouin



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5 things you probably didn't know about Miss Thailand Universe 2019, Paweensuda Drouin


Thailand has got a representative for the upcoming Miss Universe pageant which is set to be held in South Korea later this year.

Paweensuda "Fahsai" Drouin has been crowned Miss Thailand Universe 2019. Here's everything you need to know about the 25-year-old.

1. Canadian blood.

Paweensuda was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on 12 October 1993 to a Canadian father and Thai Chinese mother.

Wait, why is she event representing Thailand? Paweensuda had moved to Thailand to work as a model and a DJ.

2. Yes, she's a DJ.

IMAGE: Angelopedia

According to various news reports, Paweensuda can spin some hot tracks. We tried scouring for some video evidence but our search results yielded zero results.

We do hope Paweensuda does showcase this side of her someday.

3. This is not her first title.

Paweensuda Drouin had joined other major pageants as well. IMAGE: EdgarBoyet Diaries

Before she was crowned Miss Thailand Universe 2019, Paweensuda had entered in several other major pageants since 2013.

She had emerged as the 1st Runner-Up during the 2013 edition of Miss Thailand and was the 2nd Runner-Up for Miss Universe Thailand 2017.

She also made it to the Top 8 list of Miss Earth in 2017.

4. She has a beautiful nickname.

Paweensuda is also known as Fahsai in Thailand.

In the Thai language, it means Clear Sky. Fah means sky and Sai means clear. Paweensuda certainly lives up to her nickname.

5. She received more than cash prize for her win.

Apart from representing Thailand at the Miss Universe 2019 pageant, Paweensuda was also gifted cash prize of US$ 49,039.50, a Volkswagen and a condominium.

In total, she won US$ 562,319.60 in gifts and prizes.

Here's wishing Paweensuda all the best at the big stage in South Korea!



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