55 girls vie for Miss Asia-Pacific International 2019



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By: Robert R. Requintina

Published October 2, 2019, 12:44 AM

Fifty-five lovely girls from all over the world were presented to the members of the press Tuesday, as they vie for Miss Asia Pacific International 2019.

Miss Romania, Darling of the Press. (Photo via Robert Requintina)

This as five lucky candidates received special awards from the media during pageant’s kick-off ceremonies.

Ana Marie Ciritel of Romania was voted as Darling of the Press.

Miss Philippines Klyza Castro was 1st Runner-Up: and Miss South Africa Mbali Dlamini, 2nd Runner-Up.
Miss Germany Denisse Nicolle Ligpitan was named Miss OPMB Worldwide Choice; and Miss Vietnam Hien Nguyen, Missosology Choice.
Miss Asia Pacific International – Netherlands 2018 Raquel van Gool was crowned Miss Asia Pacific International 2018 4th Runner-Up during the press presentation.
Organizers said Gool was proclaimed winner after the original winner – Costa Rica – was dethroned for allegedly not fulfilling her duties.
The Miss Asia Pacific International also announced that Continental Queens will be chosen to represent their continents through their pre-submitted videos showcasing their personal advocacies and how they best relate to the organization’s own advocacy.
“As a pageant organization, we take pride in our advocacy because we believe that true beauty lies in the camaraderie of women – when you see them together and them recognizing their differences,” said Miss Asia Pacific International President Jacqueline Tan.
Tan added: “We want MIss Asia Pacific International to be a venue for the world to realize that women can achieve their highest potentials, not in spite of their differences, but because of it.”
The Continental Queens will be awarded, along with the best performers in the National Costume Competition, Swimsuit Competition, and Evening Gown Competition, at the PICC Summit Halls on Oct. 4 and 5.
The grand coronation night of Miss Asia Pacific International 2019 pageant will be held at Resorts World Manila in Pasay City on Oct. 9.



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