A ‘lifelong dream’ finally comes true



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Kaylynne Bantom 19 Oct

Lalela Mswane crowned during a live show held at the GrandWest during the 63rd edition of the glamorous pageant.

“One of the first things I tell people when I meet them is, I truly aspire to be Miss South Africa.”

Lalela Mswane’s lifelong dream became a reality on Saturday 16 October when she was crowned Miss South Africa 2021.

The 24-year-old, who hails form KwaZulu Natal, was crowned during a live show held at the Grand Arena, GrandWest during the 63rd edition of the glamorous pageant.

Ten women, three from Cape Town, vied for the top spot but Mswane, who is a model, dancer and holds a law degree “wowed” the panel of judges with her charm, tenacity and advocacy for youth unemployment.

The two runners-up were Moratwe Masima, a qualified doctor from Gauteng, and BCom Law degree student Zimi Mabunzi from the Eastern Cape.

Mswane received R1 million in cash as well as a further R3 million worth of sponsorships and prizes, including the use of a fully furnished and serviced apartment at the Central Square Sandton, and a Mercedes Benz C-Class Sedan for the year of her reign.

The top three contestants will represent South Africa at the world’s three most prestigious pageants: Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss Supranational.

Speaking to the media during her first press conference on Sunday 17 October Mswane says it all still feels “surreal”.

“I am feeling very grateful. I am excited. I have been waiting for this opportunity for the longest time. But I understand the duty and the weight of the task at hand, and I am so determined to not only make myself proud but I think South Africa needs it.”

Cape Town Mayor Dan Plato congratulated the young women and says the city being the host of the event shows that Cape Town is open for business again.

For the first time in the history of the pageant, three black women claimed the top three spots.

Masima says they are ready to show the country and world what they stand for.

“You can really come from anywhere and have different stories but you will still represent what SA also requires. Not necessarily focusing on colour but focusing on what our advocacies are – focusing on what we stand for as women. We are young women that are going to make change and I think that’s the most important thing. I think that SA needs to understand that it is so much more than just what we look like, but what we stand for.”

Mabunzi says she is elated to be part of the “transformation”.

“It means being a part of transformation. I think it is an important time to drive the message of transformation. Our dreams are valid. If you deserve it then you are worthy of the seat. It’s an historical moment and I appreciate being a part of it.”

Stephanie Weil, Chief Executive Officer of the Miss South Africa Organisation, says the decision to not have a first and second runner up was intentional.

“For me it’s not really about placements. Ten are incredibly empowered women, three get to represent us internationally and one wears the crown. But the other two deserves the same journey without a placement making them higher or lower than the other. For me regardless of the result these three are the ambassadors for this country and they each have to do that. Maybe we will chance it again in future but right now I like the idea that everyone is on the same footing.”

Mswane says the competition was challenging but she believed “whatever is meant to be will be”.

“I think when you enter, you are so hopeful but as the journey unfolds it’s natural to let doubt creep in but in those moments I would find so much peace in prayer. And knowing that whatever was mine, nobody could take away from me and being happy and at peace with if it wasn’t mine and somebody else’s – I would be so happy for them.”

The new Miss SA says she is determined to tackle youth unemployment.

“During the journey towards this title, I made unemployment the cornerstone of all the causes I care for because it not only affects our youth but is the source of many of the social ills so prevalent in South Africa. It is now my duty as Miss South Africa to ensure that I start the conversation about unemployment amongst our youth and seek meaningful solutions which will have long-lasting effects towards its rebate.”

Mswane says she draws inspiration from former Miss SA winners Basetsana Khumalo and Tamryn Green but adds that she is eager to show the world who she is.

“I want to stay true to myself and never replicate anybody’s journey but draw inspiration from my predecessors. I want it to be an authentic journey and SA gets a whole reign through Lalela’s lense,” says Miss SA winner.

Mswane also shares an inspiring message with other young women

“Firstly, there is strength in unity. So much greatness can be achieved when we unite as women in support of each other. Another female’s success should inspire you and show you that it is possible, even for you. Let us be a generation that exemplifies the notion; ‘empowered women empower women’. Secondly, women possess everything within them to achieve anything. Our greatness is innate. We need to stop playing small and shrinking ourselves to fit in.”



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