A Miss SA finalist from Nyanga



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2019-07-25 06:01

Siyabonga Kalipa

Chuma Matsaluka from Nyanga is a Miss South Africa finalist.

A Nyanga born beauty queen has made it to the top 16 of Miss South Africa.

Chuma Matsaluka (21) was born in Nyanga and went to school at San Souci Girls’ High School where she matriculated.

She is currently studying at the University of Cape Town (UCT) where she is doing her third year in Political Studies majoring in Anthropology and Industrial Sociology.

Matsaluka said she wanted to enter the beauty pageant last year but something tragic in her life happened.

“I had never entered any beauty pageants before and I wanted to enter Miss SA last year but I could not,” she said.

This year a lot of people encouraged her to enter and after she did some research she decided to do it.

After entering in June she was contacted and told she made it to the semi-finals. “Now I am one of the top 16 finalists,” she said.

Matsaluka said if she wins she hopes to inspire other young girls from all townships in South Africa.

However, even if she does not win she will use the platform given to her to help others so they can make the world a better place, she said.

The township she comes from is known to be a crime infested area, but that does not mean young people from there must not have dreams, she added.

“I want to give hope to other children that where you come from does not determine where you will end up in future,” said Matsaluka.

She said she gets a lot of support from her family and the community at large and that she is grateful for that.



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