A swimmer who took school seriously vies for Miss Seychelles title



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December 1, 2020

For the first time since 2017, a beauty pageant will be held in Seychelles, 115 islands in the western Indian Ocean. The organisation Beauty Empowerment Seychelles is hosting a new contest, Miss Seychelles National Pageant.

With days to go before the new Miss Seychelles is crowned on December 7, SNA is profiling the 11 contestants vying for the title. Today we look at Shannen April Henrie.

Growing up, Henrie’s parents always told her that education was the key to success. They wanted to offer their daughter the opportunity for a better life without the hardships they had experienced. With these lessons engrained in her, Henrie graduated as the Best Performer at the Belonie Secondary School.

The ambitious 26-year-old later went on to obtain three A-Levels from the Seychelles School of Advanced Level Studies and continued on to receive a Diploma in Accounting and Business from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

Henrie is currently working full-time as an auditor at ACM & Associates and is actively pursuing an Undergraduate Degree in Applied Accounting from the Oxford Brookes University, as well as working towards becoming an ACCA Affiliate Member.

Henrie has three A-Levels from the Seychelles School of Advanced Level Studies and a Diploma in Accounting and Business from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). (Miss Seychelles the National Pageant/ Facebook) Photo License: All Rights Reserved

The beauty contestant has a passion for history, fashion and the arts. As a child, she grew up taking ballet and modern dance at the School of Dance. The young woman said she always performed in her school talent shows.

A keen swimmer, she participated in swimming competitions and was a member of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, for which she attained the gold level.

Performing in front of crowds throughout the years helped build her confidence and also gave her the courage to compete for the ‘Miss Belonie’ title, for which she won. This also reinforced her interest in beauty pageants.

“I am a woman with the strong belief that we should not let the opinions of others deter us from our dreams and ambitions. This is why I decided to participate in the Miss Seychelles National Pageant 2020,” said Henrie, who added that she refuses to live with regrets and intends to live her life to the fullest.



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