A vision of gold and emerald: Samantha Bernardo wows with ‘Lipad’ gown in Miss Grand International prelims



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Posted at Mar 25 2021 10:05 PM | Updated as of Mar 26 2021 12:18 AM

Samantha Bernardo is hoping to clinch the first Miss Grand International crown for the Philippines. Screenshot/YouTube: GrandTV

MANILA — The Philippines’ Samantha Bernardo was a vision of gold and emerald as she walked on stage Thursday night with a stunning gown, dubbed “Lipad,” in the preliminary competition of Miss Grand International.

Bernardo was one of 63 contestants who took part in the live-broadcast prelims leading up to the coronation night in Bangkok, Thailand on March 27, Saturday.

In the evening gown competition, Bernardo looked regal in a Louis Pangilinan creation inspired by the yellow-throat leafbird, which is endemic to the beauty queen’s home province of Palawan. (See the 1:13:40 mark of the video below.)

A description of “Lipad” released by Binibining Pilipinas during the prelims reads: “This emerald green-colored gown is hand-embroidered with beads and sequins. Accentuated with gold crystals as a representation of the yellow throat of the bird and feathers from fibers extracted by hand and worked into fine threads woven together in the lower part of the gown.”

Its emerald color, the pageant organization added, “shows a woman’s growth, humility, and courage – characteristics that made our queen Samantha grand and awe-inspiring.”

Bernardo has so far made a mark on the ongoing pageant. Prior to the prelims, she topped the list of candidates with most online votes for the second round of the swimsuit competition.

The Thursday prelims, which also included a swimsuit component, will determine the top 20 candidates during the finals night.



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