Active Duty Soldier Wins Miss Colorado


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News by News June 11, 2019 in News

First Lt. Angela May DiMattia grew up as a tomboy and seemed destined to serve our country in the Army. But she entered the Miss America pageant in order to advocate for the charities she supports on a national stage – and she won! She is the first Soldier to win the title of Miss Colorado.

DiMattia says,

“I feel like in today’s world, I am not your normal pageant girl. At all,” DiMattia said. “But I feel like that is what gave me the advantage, because I was able to show them a well-rounded person, who has known physical exhaustion, who’s served her country, who’s not afraid to get dirty.”
She credits the Army for improving her communication skills and helping her to be a great public speaker, setting herself apart on the pageant stage.

We love the story of this amazing woman who feels empowered to go for it, in every area of her life. What an amazing example to our young girls growing up in this world!

Whether on the stage or on the battlefield, our character shines.
Thank you for your service, Miss Colorado.


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