Activists want Miss Botswana barred from Miss World pageant


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Social media activists in Botswana have launched a petition calling for the disqualification of Miss Botswana from Miss World competition because she has tattoos.

A local radio station, YaronaFM reported that over 700 people have signed an online petition calling for Thata Kenosi to be disqualified from the upcoming Miss World competition.

According to the radio station, the online petition initiator, Raymond Sethomo, says they will reach out to the masses with the objective of getting the beauty queen disqualified because she has tattoos. He claimed that tattoos disqualified competitors.

The movement needs 20,000 signatures before being forwarded to organisers of Miss World pageant.

Meanwhile, Miss Botswana’s spokesperson Tshepo Maphanyane has denied knowledge of the petition.

Maphanyane said Kenosi complied with the pageant’s rules and regulations.


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