Adriana Moya from Costa Rica win World Miss University 2018


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The 29th World Miss University contest took place from 14 to 21 December where more than 50 University students from across the world representing their country took part in pageant held in Seoul, South Korea.

The winner of the competition was 24 year old Adriana Moya from Costa Rica. The World Miss University 2018 winner was crowned by last year winner Claudia Moras Baez of Cuba.

At the same competition, Latvia took home the first runner-up title, China was adjudged second runner-up while Korea was declared third runner-up. Ukraine and Mexico rounded up the top 6 in fifth and sixth place respectively.

Some of the award winners of the night were Catherine Wong from Malaysia who won World Mecenat Beauty World Miss University 2018, Betty Muzax from Kenya won two awards i.e. World Miss University Africa 2018 and World best In Economics forum 2018 while Neeshi Beeharry from Mauritius won World Exchange Award.

The World Miss University competition has been held since 1986 and has been attended by delegates from 70 countries around the world. The competition is hosted by presidents from the International Association of University. The association represents accredited higher education institutions, including Oxford University, Harvard University, Cambridge University and others.


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