AGE UP I’m 69-year-old but love flashing the flesh in hot pants – people say I’m totally ageless so I’m entering Miss Universe


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Jocelyn Cubales says she hopes to inspire other women by taking part in the competition.

Katherine Sidnell Published: 17:35, 1 Feb 2024

Model Jocelyn Cubales, 69, entered Miss Universe earlier this year Credit: Jam Press

AGE is just a number but it’s often hard to keep that mind-set as we mature.

Whilst most older women feel as if they need to cover up, one age-defying woman continuing to wear hot pants and enter beauty pageants – even into her late sixties.

The beauty pageant recently changed it's rules to allow older women to competeCredit: Jam Press

Most of us would dread being judge for our looks but for OAP model Jocelyn Cubales, it is the fulfilment of a lifelong dream.

Also known as Joyce Peñas Pilarsky, the Filipino fashion designer is ready to walk the catwalk at 69-years-old after she entered the Miss Universe pageant.

Whilst some women might want to shun the spotlight, Jocelyn is happy appearing on stage and has entered numerous pageants before.

This includes the Ms Asia International Global and Mrs Mother of the Universe competition, both of which she won in 2014 and 2017 respectively.

However, age restrictions had previously barred her from entering Miss Universe - with women only under 28 being allowed to compete.

When the Miss Universe organisation relaxed these rules last year, Jocelyn knew she wanted to enter the pageant.

Even press attention and the younger competitors don’t seem to faze this 69-year-old, with her taking part in a regional leg of the Miss Universe pageant in Quezon City last month.

It’s not hard to see why the designer and model is taking centre stage, as the raven haired beauty showed off her enviable figure on social media.

Appearing along the other entrants at another pageant, Jocelyn proudly wore her sash and a sheer little black dress – which emphasised her long legs.

The fashion design is no stranger to barring all though, regularly wear stomach barring outfit for pageants and modelling gigs.

Even when she is off duty, the sixty-something is still wearing denim hot pants and high heels – proving that age really is just a number.

Posing alongside her beloved trainer Rodin, the 69-year-old oozed confidence ahead of the upcoming pageant.

Despite Jocelyn brimming with confidence though, she is constantly harassed by trolls on social media and ageist comments.

Take a quick scroll through her Instagram and you find comments such as ‘You are old and gross’ or trolls simply taunting her over her age.

However, this has only spurred her with the model wanting to show other older women that anything is possible.

According to her husband, Marc Cubales, the 69-year-old now hopes to ‘inspire other Filipino women to pursue their passions and achieve their dreams’.

The Miss Universe pageant even released a statement about their unusual entrant, saying that she ‘believes the younger generation can learn a lot from her life experiences, most especially grit’.

Whether Jocelyn wins or loses during the prestigious pageant, the she has already proven that she is determined to take a stance against ageism.

Well, she definitely gets our vote!

The 69 year-old is not stranger to the spotlight and regularly competes in pageantsCredit: TikTok/@agelessjoyce

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