Ahtisa Manalo begins journey to Miss International 2018 crown



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Posted at Oct 23 2018 12:04 PM

MANILA – Philippine bet Ahtisa Manalo began her journey to the Miss International 2018 crown on Monday as she met her fellow candidates in the pageant.

On Instagram, Manalo shared photos from the Miss International 2018 orientation, which gathered all 77 candidates in Tokyo, Japan.

“Today is the first time all 77 of us saw each other! I’m very thankful to Miss International for this experience. Imagine all the amazing ladies from 77 countries in one room, all exchanging stories about their own country, such a wonderful sight!” she said in a post on Monday night.

“Today marks the start of our journey to long-lasting sisterhood and friendships!” she added.

Manalo also shared a photo of her with reigning Miss International Kevin Lilliana of Indonesia.

“Met the queen by chance. I went down to meet some Filipinos on the hotel lobby and when I saw Queen Kevin arriving, I immediately excused myself and went to introduce myself and take a photo. Thank you, Miss Kevin!” she said.

From being a festival queen in her hometown of Quezon province, Manalo will be parading on the much bigger Miss International stage at the Tokyo Dome on November 9.

She has been dubbed by pageant fans as a look-alike of one of her predecessors, Kylie Verzosa, who was crowned Miss International in 2016.



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