Alisha Munilall sets her sights on the Miss SA crown


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She founded her own empowerment and upskill programme called the Goddess Warrior Foundation and has since been making a heartwarming difference in society.

Serisha Gounden May 16, 2022

Beauty and brains: Alisha Munilall hopes to become the next Miss South Africa.

Alisha Munilall is the epitome of beauty and brains. Being a former resident of Durban, Munilall has conquered the world of education, business and philanthropy. She is now extending her horizons as a participant in the prestigious Miss South Africa pageant.

Munilall, currently a software engineer for one of the largest health sectors in South Africa and a multi-business owner, has founded her own empowerment and upskill programme called the Goddess Warrior Foundation.

This purposeful cause strives to assist individuals with upskilling and empowerment, exposure to gain experience in an established working environment, employment opportunities and community initiatives. She is one of the many individuals making a positive impact with the start of this programme. She hopes to be a shining role model to youth by dedicating her time to address everyday issues they face.

The inspiring woman, who has been extremely passionate about computer science since her childhood, graduated with a distinction in bachelor of science in information technology. In addition to her degree, Munilall has over 50 certificates in information technology, software agriculture and business management. Her educational record is impeccable.

Munilall has always had a strong point for academics and sport. She joined a swimming club at the age of eight, which she later took on at a competitive level. She is also a former league football player. Upon completion of her IT degree, she relocated to Dubai where she was offered a position due to her athletic skills. She later returned to South Africa to pursue her love for software engineering and has since been actively involved in large IT projects for major national and international organisations.

She hopes that by being a participant in the Miss South Africa pageant, this amazing platform will allow her to advocate for causes that are aligned with her vision and purpose of advocating for youth of today.

“Making a difference to my country is very close to my heart. From a young age, I have been selflessly passionate about giving back to the community. I believe that even a small good deed has a ripple effect and I have made it my life’s mission to help as many people as I possibly can. I want to show the world that helping one another goes far beyond language, racial and stereotypical barriers,” she proudly stated.


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