'An absolute honour' –Ipswich woman crowned Miss Universe Great Britain



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Charlotte Moore Published: 4:17 PM October 19, 2021

Emma Collingridge, from Kesgrave, has won the Miss Universe Great Britain beauty pageant - Credit: Dani Latimer Photography

An English graduate from Ipswich has been crowned Miss Universe Great Britain 2021.

Emma Rose Collingridge, 23, formerly from Kesgrave, was awarded the title on Saturday night at the pageant final in South Wales.

This win means she'll begin preparing to represent Great Britain at the Miss Universe pageant in Israel in December, alongside women from 90 other countries.

Miss Collingridge works part-time as a model alongside volunteering and advocating for women's rights and empowerment. She has written on a number of topics, including mental health, bullying and sexual harassment.

She said: "It's taken me a few years but, in finding strength within my own voice, I'm determined to use this to catalyse change, champion female causes and amplify the voices of those that would otherwise remain voiceless.

"The Miss Universe Great Britain platform will enable me to spread that message and this will be at the core of all I do and say during my reign.

"It is an absolute honour to hold the responsibility of this title and I am so excited for what is to come."

Emma was crowned on Saturday October 16 at the final in South Wales - Credit: Dani Latimer Photography

As part of her pageant journey, Miss Collingridge has developed a self-defence programme for women called 'Draw the Line' which aims to teach women the skills to defend themselves in uncomfortable or threatening situations.

She also took part in activities including an empowerment day, a charity dinner, photoshoots and a catwalk show.

In 2019, she took the title of Miss Galaxy - UK at a competition in Orlando, Florida, after which she pledged to promote body confidence.

The national director of Miss Universe Great Britain, Paula Abbandonato, said that she was delighted about Miss Collingridge's win, adding that the organisation applauded her "commitment to supporting the female cause".

She said: "I am thrilled that she is using her title for such good purpose and wish her the very best for Miss Universe in Israel."



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