An International beauty pageant donated its ad budget to frontliners fighting Covid-19


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April 14, 2020

Miss Asia Pacific International pageant, which is the longest-running international beauty contest in the region, was established as the 'Miss Asia Quest' in the Philippines in 1968 has announced that it will donate its advertising budget this year to support frontliners around the world amid the global COVID-19 pandemic.

The organization announced its decision in a post of Facebook captioned, “As an international organization, we would like to show our appreciation and support to all frontliners around the world. No matter where you are, there’s a frontliner bravely fighting this pandemic for us.”

The organization is set to donate the first portion of the drive to the Lung Center of the Philippines and the Philippine Heart Center in the Philippines, the Cruz Roja Española in Spain, and the Croce Rossa Italiana in Italy.

The president of the pageant Jacqueline Tan-Sianz, told a source, “with the times being so difficult nowadays for some, we can only do our best in this situation. We are planning to hold the Miss Asia Pacific International much later this year, and we are shortening the number of days for this season so that portions of our budget can go to donations to organizations."

The organization also encouraged the public to directly donate to the aforementioned institutions “in the Philippines and countries severely hit by this pandemic."


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