Andrea Saénz of Mexico crowned Miss United Continents 2018


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TNN | Sep 23, 2018, 07.42 AM IST

Andrea Saénz of Mexico was crowned Miss United Continents 2018 at the 6th edition of Miss United Continents pageant held at Convention Center of Guayaquil, Ecuador. The newly crowned winner succeeds Miss United Continents 2017, Tatiana Tsimfer from Russia.

At the same event, Simone Gadegaard Andersen from Denmark was adjudged (1st runner up), Ana Catalina Mouthon from Columbia was adjudged (2nd runner up), Cynthia Ruz López from Spain was adjudged (3rd runner up), Veronica Terakova from South Africa was adjudged (4th runner up), and Nantapak Kraiha from Thailand was announced (5th runner up)

The show began with all the 33 finalists who were vying for the Miss United Continents crown parading in the national costumes. The second stage witnessed the finalists walk the ramp in their stunning swimsuits. The event went on with amazing musical performances by renowned artists. The finalists looked super gorgeous as they walked down the stage for the third round in their beautiful evening gowns.

The finalists, then took center stage as confirmed quarter finalists of the evening. Thereafter, the quarter finalists were trimmed down to Top 10 semi-finalists. India's Gayatri Bhardwaj was also part of the Top 10 contingent. The lineup also included Uruguay, Thailand, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, Denmark, and Dominican Republic. The shortlisted finalists then gave a short interview to the host who impressed everyone with his amazing oratory skills.

Subsequently, the contestants were further narrowed down to Top 6 finalists. In the end, Andrea Saénz from Mexico clinched the coveted crown after defeating 33 contestants from around the globe. The pageant also witnessed a number of sub contests which was won by the following finalists at Miss United Continents 2018.

Miss Photogenic: Thailand.
Miss Friendship: Venezuela.
Best National Costume: China.
Miss Cielo: Denmark.
Best Smile: Ecuador.


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