Another Miss Dominica contestant receives sponsorship


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Dominica News Online - Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 at 4:44 PM

Another business place has stepped forward and provided full sponsorship to one of the contestants in the 2020 Miss Dominica Pageant.

The beneficiary of that gesture is Kimra Charles of Fond Cole.

General Manager of Maxroy Trading Company Limited, Clement Royer, Royer said at a press conference on Wednesday morning, that after hearing the line up of the contestants, he realized it was time that his company became a sponsor of the pageant.

This is the first time that the company has sponsored a queen show.

Royer indicated that Charles’ respectability, humility and quiet disposition that influenced his decision to fully support her.

“We had a dialogue with Kimra and then we had a meeting and I asked her one question – if Maxroy trading were to sponsor you what would be your objective?” he said. “Her response was ‘I looked at Maxroy Trading over the years and I have seen that Maxory haven’t had marketing personnel to market its product’ and she seemed to have hit the nail on the head.”

Royer hopes that bringing Charles on board, will not only allow her to be an ambassador for Dominica but an Ambassador for his company.

Maxroy Trading Co. Ltd is a local business which has been providing Dominica with building materials for the past 20 years.

Meantime, Charles said she is proud to introduce herself as Ms. Maxroy Trading Company Limited and expressed her gratitude for being granted a full sponsorship.

“This company has provided Dominica with quality products for the past 21 years, after Hurricane Maria they stood strong; their motto [being] ‘our foundation to building success’, they were able to withstand the ravages of the hurricane and open their doors just a few weeks [after] to the public to provide materials to cover homes and businesses,” she recalled.

Charles added that throughout the years, Maxroy Trading had supported many functions and events and it was no surprise to her that Royer decided to become her sponsor.

Shannon St. Hillarie of Soufriere was the first contestant to receive sponsorship from Jungle Bay Resort and Spa and Primrose David of Massacre also obtained sponsorship from Preconco Limited.

Mas Domnik 2020 will be celebrated from January 18th to February 26th under the theme: “Play the Rhythm, Play Mas”.

The Miss Dominica Pageant will be held on February 20, 2020, on the forecourt of the Windsor Park Sports Stadium.


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