Anukreethy Vas makes it to Top 30 of Miss World 2018


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TNN | Dec 3, 2018, 08.00 PM IST

Colors Femina Miss India World 2018 Anukreethy Vas won the Head to Head Challenge from Group 12 and made it to Top 30 of the prestigious Miss World 2018 pageant. The organization revealed the results of the challenge from all the twenty groups.

The gorgeous ladies have now advanced to the next level of the competition with the finale slated to be held in a few days time. The twenty group winners presented their respective beauty with a purpose project to the jury which comprised of Miss World 2013 Megan Young of Philippines, Miss World 2016 Stephanie Del Valle Diaz of Puerto Rico and Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar of India.

The stunning Anukreethy Vas was pitched against Miss World Myanmar wherein Anukreethy received the votes of Megan and Manushi in her favour to defeat Han Thi Thet Lwin of Myanmar who received the vote of Stephanie. The contestants from France, Japan and USA have already made to Top 30 finalists by virtue of winning the top model, talent and sports competitions respectively. The grand finale of the pageant will be held on December 8th wherein Manushi Chhillar from India will crown the main winner.


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