Anushka crowned MISS NEPAL WORLD 2019


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Published: May 10, 2019 10:18 am On: Nepal


Photo: Nishant Gurung/ THT

KATHMANDU: Anushka Shrestha was crowned Miss Nepal World 2019 as she beat 24 other contestants at the grand finale of the pageant held in the Capital on May 9. Shrinkhala Khatiwada, Miss Nepal World 2018 crowned her 23-year-old successor, who hails from Kathmandu.

Chief judge Ila Sharma asked the final seven contestants: “If we focus more on our duties, responsibilities rather than focussing just on our rights and our freedom we can make this world a better place. What do you think?”

Shrestha’s answer that won her the title was: “I completely agree with that statement that focusing on our responsibilities more than our rights would certainly change things for the better. Rights and responsibilities are two parts of the same coin, we have been hearing that. We have talked a lot about what should be done for us. But it is high time that we ask ourselves — what am I doing? To ask ourselves and be able to look ourselves in the mirror and say I have fulfilled all my rights therefore I can put my hand on my heart and say that I deserve this, to be able to do that one surely needs to fulfil all our rights including that of a citizen, a person, friend or a partner. Only when we fulfil our responsibilities can we ask for our rights to be given to us.”

In addition to winning Miss Nepal World 2019, Shrestha also won two other titles — Miss Intellectual and Yamaha Miss Fascino.

Pradeepta Adhikari, Riya Basnet, Meera Kachhepati and Rose Lama won the titles of Miss Nepal Universe 2019, Miss Nepal Earth 2019, Miss Nepal International 2019 and Miss Nepal Supranational respectively.

Adhikari also won other titles of Miss Best Athlete and Miss Talent. Basnet took home the title of Miss Popular Choice. Kachhepati was announced the winner of Miss Beautiful Hair while Lama won two other titles — Miss Glamour and Miss Photogenic.

Other contestants also won titles such as Miss Friendship (Nancy Bogati), Beauty with a Purpose (Nitika Karmacharya), Miss Best Natural Skin (Jenny Maharjan) and Miss Confident (Nisha Pathak).

It was a big night for Miss Nepal as a pageant as it also celebrated its 25th anniversary.Organised by The Hidden Treasure, the finale also saw musical performances by singer Deepak Bajracharya and choreographer of the show Rachana Sharma Gurung.


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