Bauchi Commissioner Taunts Islamic Police, Hisbah, Compares Miss Nigeria, Shatu With Buhari’s Daughter-in-law, Ganduje’s Daughter


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The Commandant-General of the board, Harun Ibn Sina, had said that participation in beauty pageants was against Islamic teachings.


The Bauchi State Commissioner of Power, Science and Technology, Maryam Garba Bagel, has reacted to Kano State Islamic Police, Hisbah Board’s decision to invite the parents of 18-year-old Shatu Garko, who emerged as the first Hijab Miss Nigeria over the weekend.

The Commandant-General of the board, Harun Ibn Sina, had said that participation in beauty pageants was against Islamic teachings.

He had said, “We investigated and confirmed that the girl called Shatu Garko is from Kano State and an indigene of Garko Local Government area of Kano State where Hisbah is also working at.

“Islamically, it is totally forbidden because it goes against the teachings and practices of Islam. Immorality is practiced and it (beauty pageant) encourages the female gender to be immoral.”

The commissioner in a Facebook post on Thursday shared photos of Garko with Emir of Bichi's daughter and President Muhammadu Buhari's daughter-in-law, Zahra and Fatima Ajimobi, the daughter of Governor Abdullahi Ganduje, both without veil.

The post translated from Hausa reads: “In these photos, the daughter of the Emir of Bichi (Kano), and the daughter of Ganduje (Kano) and the new beauty queen (Nigeria).




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