Bb. Pilipinas 2018 announces Top 10 Best in National Costume


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March 7, 2018 

By Robert R. Requintina

THE Binibining Pilipinas 2018 beauty pageant has announced the Top 10 candidates for Best in National Costume special award during a fashion show held at the Kia Theater in Cubao, Quezon City recently.

The Top 10 Best in National Costume are: Bb. 33, Stephanie Joy Abellanida; Bb. 4, Ana Patricia Asturias; Bb. 18, Rosantonette Mendoza; Bb. 19, Michelle Gumabao; Bb. 35, Sandra Lemonon; Bb. 11, Aya Abesamis; Bb. 31, Jehza Huelar; Bb. 20, Catriona Gray; Bb. 30, Sarah Margarette Joson; and Bb. 29, Samantha Avestruz.

The winner of the special award will be announced during the grand coronation of the Binibining Pilipinas 2018 beauty pageant at the Smart Araneta Coliseum in Cubao, Quezon City on March 18.

Forty candidates took part in the pre-pageant activity which paid tribute to the talent and creativity of Filipino designers.

When the fashion show for national costume started in 2015, only five semi-finalists were chosen for Best in National Costume award.

Two of the Top 5 candidates for Best in National Costume then were Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach and Teresita “Winwyn” Marquez. The special award went to Marquez.

The crowd cheered as the 40 Binibinis walked the runway with grace and beauty in their national costumes created by some of the country’s top fashion designers.

On March 10, the 40 Binibinis will take part in the grand parade of beauties at the Araneta Grounds in Cubao at 4 p.m.

The six winners of the Binibining Pilipinas 2018 beauty contest will represent the Philippines in prestigious international pageants namely Miss Universe, Miss International, Miss Supranational, Miss Grand International, Miss Globe, and Miss Intercontinental.


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