Bb. Pilipinas bets sizzle in costume show


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Candidates to this year’s Binibining Pilipinas pageant sizzled in their chosen attire during the National Costume show held on Saturday at Kia Theater in Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City.

The 40 women, wearing traditional and modern terno or costumes of indigenous tribes, were a picture of grace and fierceness as they paraded in front of an enthusiastic audience.

“They are all beautiful and the costumes are artistic, really hard to choose who is the best,” an audience member whispered to The Manila Times.

The 10 women who stood out were chosen by a panel of judges led by Binibining Pilipinas Charities, Inc. chairman Stella Marquez Araneta.

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EARLY WINNERS Some of the Binibining Pilipinas candidates celebrate after making it to the best in costume list. The final pageant winners will be announced on March 18. PHOTO BY JOHN MICAH SEBASTIAN

Making it to the Top 10 in no particular order were Candidates No. 33 Stephanie Joy Abellanida wearing a creation of Archie Castillo; No. 29 Samantha Kaye Avestruz, with Nick Guarino as designer; No. 30 Sarah Margarette Joson, by Jay-R Gamboa Flores; No. 31 Jheza Mae Huelar, by Neil Patrick Jimlani; No. 35 Sandra Lemonon, by Edwin Uy; No. 19 Michele Gumabao, by Nat Manilag; Catriona Elisa Gray, by Jerson Demavivas; No. 18 Rosantonette Mendoza, by Ryan Uson Ablaza; No. 11 Maria Andrea Verdadero, by Chico Estiva; and Ana Patricia Asturias, by Dave Ocampo.

The winner of the Best in National Costume will be announced on Pageant Night on March 18.

Fans and supporters can vote for their favorite candidates in the official Binibining Pilipinas website.

Prior to the national costume presentation, the reigning queens – Miss Universe Philippines Rachel Peters, Binibining Pilipinas International Mariel de Leon, Miss Intercontinental First Runner-Up Katarina Rodriguez, Miss Globe First Runner-Up Nelda Ibe, Miss Grand International Second Runner-Up Elizabeth Clenci and Binibining Pilipinas Supranational Chanel Olive Thomas – and the 40 candidates paraded wearing the latest collection of sponsor Jag Jeans.

After the presentation, Jag announced that they have chosen Peters, de Leon and Rodriguez as the brand’s newest endorsers.

On March 10, the Binibinis will be going around the Araneta Center for the annual Parade of Beauties.

Winners will be representing the country in the Miss Universe, Miss International, Miss Globe, Miss Grand International. Miss Supranational and Miss Intercontinental pageants.

In January, Rodriguez was declared First Runner-Up to Veronica Salas of Mexico in the Miss Intercontinental pageant held in Egypt.


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