Bb. Pilipinas Grand International Samantha Lo deported after being held in Paris – sources


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By: Robert R. Requintina

Published October 18, 2019, 12:07 AM

Reigning Bb. Pilipinas Grand International Samantha Lo was deported by French authorities after finding out that she allegedly carried a fake passport, sources said Thursday.

“French authorities say she carried a fake passport,” said the sources, who requested anonymity as they are not authorized to speak on the issue.

Lo, of Cebu City, was en route to Venezuela to represent the Philippines at the Miss Grand International (MGI) beauty contest when she was held at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France.

Sources said Lo was held in Paris for 13 hours over her fake passport.

French authorities reportedly found out that the passport she was carrying was issued to a man.

The Grand Coronation of Miss Grand International will be held on Oct. 25.

Now, Lo is back in the Philippines.

“When Lo came back to Manila, she appeared shock. She only talked to her parents,” sources said.

There were reports that Lo, her parents, and representatives from Bb. Pilipinas Charities, Inc. (BPCI) have already met with government officials to discuss the problem.

The BPCI said it would issue a statement regarding the deportation issue of Lo.

Earlier, a press send off for Lo and Bb. Pilipinas Globe Leren Mae Bautista was held at the Novotel Manila at Araneta City in Cubao, Quezon City.

But pageant fans became suspicious after noticing that no arrival photos of Lo have been uploaded on social media.

Pageant fans express hope that the BPCI will issue an official statement to clear the issue.


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