Beatrice Luigi Gomez conducts relief operations for fire victims in Mandaue


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By Ron Lim Published On: January 3, 2022, 09:50 AM

Miss Universe Philippines Beatrice Luigi Gomez continues to serve the needy to the best of her capacity.

Miss Universe Philippines Beatrice Luigi Gomez spent New Year's Eve in the company of the underprivileged, handing out relief goods to victims of a fire in Mantuyog, Mandaue.

In a post on her Instagram account, Beatrice posted five photos of her handing out relief goods to the Muslim community of Sitio Ypil-ypil Capitol Site as well as evacuees currently in the Cebu International Convention Center.

Beatrice wrote in the captions that while there is still “much work to do,” she remains grateful to be given more time to “do more projects” and “make more lives better this year.”

This relief operation is just the most recent one that Beatrice has been involved in. During her time in quarantine after returning from the Miss Universe pageant in Israel, Beatrice made multiple calls for help for the victims of Typhoon Odette, highlighting efforts by Save the Children and the Miss Universe Philippines Organization. The Miss Universe Philippines Organization had pledged to match any donations made through the remittance app, Sendwave.

Relief efforts for those devastated by Typhoon Odette hit especially close to home for Cebu native Beatrice, who was witness to her family getting trapped in their home as the typhoon battered Cebu.

Beatrice has also conducted a relief effort for those stranded in Cebu ports alongside the Simply Share Foundation and the Naval Reserve Center of Eastern Visayas. Check it out in the gallery below.


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