Beautiful Bosnian to compete for the Title of Miss Netherlands


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JUNE 5, 2018 8:00 AM

The famous beauty pageant Miss World Netherlands 2018 will take place in the Netherlands on next Sunday, June 10, i.e. the Miss Netherlands for Miss World Pageant.

One of the 16 most beautiful girls of the Netherlands is Kanita Karisik from Sarajevo, who won the Miss Netherlands pageant three years earlier. She also represented this country at the famous Miss Supranational pageant in Poland, which is one of the five most famous beauty pageants in the world.

Kanita (23) says that she feels like a Bosnian. And she is proud of that.

“I was born in Sarajevo, and in my opinion, Sarajevo is the most beautiful city in Europe, and trust me, I have seen many beautiful cities. I have great expectations when it comes to the Miss Netherlands for Miss World Pageant itself, and I am hoping to win the title of Miss World of Netherlands, but I do not want to put too much pressure on myself. I will let all the things to go as they should, and we will see what happens in the end,” concluded beautiful Kanita.



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